quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008

De Lisboa a Lisboa XI

Também há assuntos de trabalho!
Pelos vistos esta "silly season" científica em Portugal corresponde a grande actividade de finalizações editoriais pelo resto do mundo.
Enfim mais dois artigos aceites para publicação.

Um na revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas:

Sociedade Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas

Children, Health assets and Poverty in a recent post-war scenario: the Angola case

Margarida Gaspar de Matos
Celso David
Celeste Simões
Luís Tavira

Angola is a Portuguese- speaking country that faced a recent civil war, after decades of colonial occupation and conflict, and still exhibits a scenario of poverty.
Well-fare, health concerns and schooling are still a privilege.
A school-based survey was carried out in all four schools in Benguela (South of Angola), 22 randomly classes were selected, including 701 pupils, attending 8th and 10th grade, being 55.2% boys. Mean age in the present study was 17.5 years old, SD 3.25.
Descriptive and multivariated analysis revealed that the perception of family well fare is mainly associated with positive aspects of health: fruit intake, perception of school competence, mother instruction and number of friends.
Life satisfaction was associated with family well fare, as well as with mother instruction, fruit intake and perception of safety in school.
The health assets’ perspective seems thus to propose a new way of identifying and fulfilling pupils’ needs in a developing country.
Present results suggest a focus on positive issues such as schooling, social capital/friends, and healthy food, as relevant factors to promoting teens’ health and well-being, in a country in a recent post-war scenario.

Key words:
Children, Adolescents, Poverty, Health concerns, Schooling, Well-being.

Celso, Celeste, Luis: Parabéns!

E outro do Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies

Advanced Studies of Psychotherapies
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies

Margarida Gaspar de Matos
Gina Tomé
Ana Inês Borges
Dina Manso
Paula Ferreira
Aristides Ferreira

The aim of this study is to investigate and refine three different scales which measure depression, anxiety and coping strategies. The relation between these scales is also verified in a non-clinical school population of pre-adolescents and adolescents. Lastly, the moderating effects of age, gender, grade failure and family type are tested. This study used depression, anxiety and coping strategy scales to check moderating effects. The sample consisted of 916 Portuguese pupils, 54.3% females, aged 10 to 22 (M = 14, 44). The participants were randomly selected from the fifth to the 12th grades of public schools. The CDI (Kovacs, 1981), the MASC (March, 1997) and the CRY-Y (Moos, 1993) were used. Scales revealed a good internal consistency and suggested that girls are more anxious than boys are and that older students are more depressed, but use more coping strategies than younger learners. A set of exploratory factorial analyses (EFA) was then carried out with the objective of getting the most representative factor from the anxiety (MASC), the depression /CDI) and the coping (CRY-Y) scales. Reduced scales were identified and were strongly correlated with the previous measures, but better differentiate between a set of moderators. A confirmatory model (CPA) was carried out. Also, adjustment indexes suggested a good fit for the model, but consider both genders separately and the two age groups independently. An analysis of the items retained provided strong suggestions for school based interventions.

Key-words; anxiety, depression, coping, adolescents, schools

Gina, Inês. Dina, Paula, Aristides: Parabéns!

Mais uma descoberta hoje, em conversa: os blogs dos amigos.
Aqui ficam:
Diário Gráfico
Arte Fotográfica
Cinco Sentidos ou Mais
Atenta Inquietude
Guia Sexualidade e Afectos
Edge of Reason

E há uns que casam e fazem um blog...
Ah.... admiravel mundo novo !.....
( Felicidades Sónia e Vitor! Não conhecemos o Vitor, mas a Sónia merece o melhor!)
Sónia e Vitor

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