terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

Jovens Com Saúde - Lançamento Dia 7 Outubro às 16.30 em várias escolas do país

Coordenação da obra:

Margarida Gaspar de Matos & Daniel Sampaio


Vários membros e colaboradores da equipa Aventura Social


Arquitecto Português concorre no Guggenheim New York

O Museu Guggenheim de Nova Iorque está a preceder a um concurso internacional de Design a que chama COMPETIÇÃO DE ABRIGOS ("Shelter Competition").

Os concorrentes têm de enviar o projecto 3D de um abrigo de acordo com as regras do concurso.
Foram admitidos cerca de 600 projectos de 68 países.
Dos 600 projectos foram seleccionados 10 finalistas, entre os quais está o projecto do arquitecto português David Mares.
É neste projecto que entra a cortiça, aliás a cortiça é mesmo o elemento do qual é feito o abrigo.

O "CBS - CORK BLOCK SHELTER " é um abrigo construído na versátil cortiça.
Mas como se não bastasse a já honrosa posição de pertencer ao TOP 10 deste concurso neste momento o abrigo de cortiça está em 3º lugar na votação do público.
Para votar:

Além do prémio do público, este concurso contempla também um prémio atribuído por um Júri, que será divulgado na Guggenheim Museum's 50th Anniversary Celebration, no dia 21 de Outubro.

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

IV World Congress on Child and Adolescent Rights - Puerto Rico

The IV World Congress on Child and Adolescent Rights will take place in Puerto Rico from the 15th to the 18th of November 2010.
This renowned event draws nearly 1,000 participants from more than 20 countries.
Its main objective is to provide an academic, scientific and professional forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences regarding the human rights of children and adolescents.
At the same time, it comprises an international encounter for the effective participation of children and adolescents.
The three previous World Congresses were held in Isla Margarita, Venezuela, in 2003; Lima, Peru, in 2005; and Barcelona, Spain, in 2007.
The central theme of the IV World Congress is "The best interest of children and adolescents: Well-being and development in the new world economic order."
The program will be structured around six general thematic areas: poverty, education, health, participation, identity and violence.
These have been drawn from the considerations and conclusions of the Barcelona Declaration authored by the children and adolescents who participated in the III World Congress on Child and Adolescent Rights in 2007.
You may access information on this last Congress at www.iiicongresomundialdeinfancia.org .

Jaime E. Conde, J.D., LL.M.
Child and Adolescent Rights Consultant
Chair Organizing and Scientific Committees
IV World Congress on Child and Adolescent Rights

Web:        http://www.childrightscongress.org

Email:      info@childrightscongress.org

Twitter:    http://twitter.com/IVWorldCongress


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Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary school children

From Antony

You may be interested in the guidance published by my organisation today
on the social and emotional wellbeing of secondary school children.
It is available at:

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Festival de Cinema em Portugal IMAGO

A Emma Luisa Rivera ( Buenos Aires ) em Portugal no festival de cinema IMAGO no Fundão.



sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

XVII Encontro Adolescência

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

H1N1/ Gripe A - Healthy Skepticism International News


Healthy Skepticism International News

October 2009

In the Face of Swine Flu, Common Sense and Science

Juan Gérvas

Rural general practitioner, Canencia de la Sierra, Garganta de los Montes and El Cuadrón (Madrid), Spain.
Visiting Professor, Primary Care, International Department, National School of Public Health (Madrid), Spain.
Honorary Professor, Public Health, School of Medicine, Autonomous University (Madrid), Spain.

Spanish version, first published at Equipo CESCA, August 10 2009.
French version, first published at Pharmacritique, August 13 2009
Portuguese version, first published at Rev Port Clin Geral. 2009;25:438-1
Italian version, first published at Nograziepagoio, September 2009


1. Swine flu is very contagious. But the severity of swine flu is much lower than the seasonal flu (the flu of normal winters).
2. Swine flu demands common sense and calmness, as for seasonal flu. Contact your physician only in severe cases, such as coughing up blood or significant difficulty breathing.
3. Medications for swine flu such as Tamiflu and Relenza do not prevent the disease, and they are not useful for treatment in healthy people, They have common side effects some of which are serious causing admission to hospital. These medications might be useful in severe cases, but this is unproven.
4. Vaccine against swine flu is experimental. Nobody knows how effective it will be in preventing the disease or how safe it will be.
5. Swine flu does not have any different consequences for pregnant women than seasonal flu.
6. Previous flu pandemics do not produce high mortality since we have had antibiotics to cure pneumonias which complicate flu. Previous flu pandemics have no "second wave" and if it takes place it is not likely to be more severe.
7. Health services must always take care of thousands of acute and chronic patients, and it is important not to waste time and resources for mild cases of swine flu.

The Problem

Flu is a viral illness that usually strikes as an epidemic in the winter (a seasonal epidemic) and affects a large portion of the population. As the old adage says, "the flu lasts 7 days with treatment and one week without it". Flu is a minor sickness with symptoms like fever, head and muscle pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and general malaise, which require a couple of days' rest. It's not recommended to lower the fever (not even in children), and the treatment is for the pain and malaise.

In spite of the mild course of flu, there are two annual peaks in mortality: one in summer during the hottest days, and another in winter during the flu epidemic. For this reason vaccination against the flu might decrease severe cases and mortality, however, this has not been proven.

The swine flu epidemic, which began in Mexico in 2009, is less severe than the seasonal flu epidemic. It's a very contagious flu, so it's called a "pandemic" because it could affect up to half the population. Thus far based on the experience in the Southern hemisphere it was much lower, around 10%. However, the contagiousness of swine flu has nothing to do with its severity, and in fact swine flu is less severe than any previous flu epidemic. It affects a lot of people, but it kills less than the seasonal flu. Numbers vary, but in the United Kingdom, for example, there have been hundreds of thousands of cases and only 30 deaths, and in the United States there have been a million cases and only 302 deaths. During the winter in the southern hemisphere (summer in the Northern hemisphere) 132 people died in Australia, 128 in Chile and 16 in New Zealand. When the southern hemisphere winter is coming to an end, the total the number of deaths in the world is 2,501. To put these figures in the proper context, during a usual winter in Spain (44 millions inhabitants) 1,500-3,000 people die from the seasonal flu. Spain, being a developed country with a public health system which covers the whole population, we can predict based on the experience from Southern hemisphere countries that about 500 deaths from swine flu will occur in the winter of 2009-2010.

We have had many pandemics, and the most lethal, the "Spanish flu" of 1918 killed mostly the impoverished (malnourished people who lived in poorly insulated dwellings) through bacterial pneumonias. The pandemics of 1957 and 1968 were not as lethal, due in part to the existence of antibiotics for treating bacterial pneumonias.

Looking back over the 14 pandemics from 1510, pandemic flu has never been able to infect the entire population at once. And although it tends to recur after a first wave, it eventually adopts the familiar seasonal flu pattern.
Swine flu appears to kill more younger people than older people. This is true as a percentage but as the total number of deaths compared to seasonal flu is much smaller, the total number of young people killed by swine flu is less than that killed by seasonal flu.

What can we do in the face of swine flu?

In 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) predicted that up to 150 millions people could die from bird flu, which unleashed worldwide panic. When the death toll was tallied, there were only 262 deaths. Obviously, the prediction was totally wrong. In the face of swine flu in 2009-10 we should not make the same mistake. Avoiding panic is essential. It's absurd to panic about swine flu, especially since it won't cause severe disease in many people. The current WHO messages, which are increasing fear of swine flu is a form of disease mongering.

One should approach swine flu like one would the normal/seasonal flu: take care of yourself and your family calmly and with common sense. Practice good hygiene and keep yourselves well hydrated and nourished. Consult a doctor only in the event of serious symptoms such as coughing up blood or significant difficulty breathing. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Don't touch your nose, and wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet and after blowing your nose. The virus is eliminated through nasal secretions during approximately the first five days of illness. Wearing surgical masks does not appear to prevent the spread of the epidemic. For the first days of illness, avoid social contact.

There is nothing special about swine flu for pregnant women. Pregnant women should follow a healthy lifestyle in any situation. During the last three months of pregnancy women have less respiratory capacity, which puts them at greater risk for pneumonias both from seasonal or swine flu. Therefore pregnant women should visit their doctors if they suspect they have the flu.

Obesity also limits breathing and thus swine flu or seasonal flu could be more severe in obese patients. However, unfortunately, in general, risk factors are not useful for deciding how to respond to flu of any kind. For example up to 70% of children who died of seasonal flu had no identified risk factors.

Policy makers should consider potential sources of socioeconomic disparities during pandemic swine flu and formulate specific plans to minimize these disparities.

There is no preventative treatment; medications for swine flu. The antiviral drugs oseltamivir-Tamiflu or zanamivir-Relenza do not prevent the illness. Even for people who have seasonal flu, these drugs are also almost useless (they shorten the duration of the illness by a half day). In the case of swine flu, we do not have proof that the drugs work. Furthermore, the antiviral drugs have important adverse effects. According to a London study, half the children treated with oseltamivir-Tamiflu had adverse effects. In most it was limited to nausea and vomiting, but in 18% there were neuropsychiatric adverse effects.

It remains possible that antiviral treatment is valuable in severe cases or in patients with previous serious chronic diseases, but this has not been proven at the present time. They are not useful in the treatment of otherwise healthy children or adults.

The seasonal flu vaccine is relatively ineffective in children and adolescents, with a success rate of 33%, and is absolutely useless for children under 2 years. There are doubts about how effective it is in preventing flu in adults and the elderly. We don't know anything about the effectiveness and safety of the swine flu vaccine which is ready to be marketed, but in 1976 the United States produced a similar vaccine (also created as quickly as possible in response to the danger of a swine pandemic), and the result was an epidemic of severe adverse side effects (Guillain-Barre syndrome, neurological illness) that required the vaccination program to be halted. Speeding the development of these vaccines is good for no one, and even less so for swine flu, which has such a low mortality rate. We don't need to repeat the error of 1976.

If vaccination against the swine flu is offered, it is essential that subject are required to sign an "informed consent" form and that this form makes all risks, benefits and uncertainties clear. The form should also provide clear directions as to how to proceed in the case of potential adverse effects. Being so new, the producers of the vaccine do not accept any responsibility for harms which may result from the vaccine and have passed this responsibility onto Governments.

Anything more?

The fast diagnostic tests for swine flu are not very accurate (only from 10-60%). Therefore it is not worth getting it as the test can't prove that you don't have swine flu.

Swine flu can mutate just like the seasonal flu, rendering the vaccine that is being produced useless. The seasonal flu vaccine will not give protection against the swine flu.

It's important to remember that children (and adults) can have other illnesses besides swine flu. In the United Kingdom there have been cases of children dying from meningitis after being falsely diagnosed with swine flu.

During the swine flu pandemic there will still be myocardial infarctions, appendicitis, cardiac failure, diabetes, asthma, suicide attempts, hip fractures, depression, schizophrenia and thousands of other illnesses that require medical attention. It's important that patients suffering with swine flu don't panic and overwhelm the system, so that hospitals and doctors can continue to treat all patients.

In front of the menace of avian flu, in 2005, the Canadian Government had two goals, 1/ to decrease mortality and 2/ to avoid social chaos. For swine flu goal number one should not be a problem because of its low severity. The second goal calls for a strong policy of calmness and accurate information for both professionals and public. The present messages by Governments, the WHO and the media focusing on the worst case scenario and the detailed description of each death is the completely wrong approach to fulfil the second goal. We need a health policy of common sense and self-control.

Note The only purpose of the author is to transmit the best knowledge about the problem at present, and for that he has reviewed the world literature. This text is an informative one, not for clinical use. Sadly, the information you can obtain from other sources (public organizations, scientific societies, media) is very different; they will know why. TranslationFirst version by Ellen McConnell (La Crosse, WI, USA). Corrections by David Menkes (New Zealand, ex-USA), Tiago Villanueva (Portugal), Aurelia Moreno (Spain, ex-UK), Jim Wright (Canada) and Juan Gérvas (Spain).

sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

Consumo de substâncias - Substance use

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

Livros em branco

Olá a todos,
Aqui fica a referência a esta oficina de trabalho, que faz parte da
Associação ASSOL, e que ocupa pessoas com deficiência a
encadernar livros à mão.

Ao encomendar ajudamos uma causa nobre .
Toda a informação em:


Obrigado pela atenção

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

O meu livro de POLITICA

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

Alex - um Português emigrado na Bulgária

Ai vamos nós, saindo de Sofia, numa viagem pela grande planície Staba (parece que aqui se diz Stara mas este foi o nome que encontrámos na net) observando campos de cultivo, alguns tratados e outros nem por isso, eventualmente esperando uma reforma agrária que tarda em se concretizar. Um autocarro Mercedes que, se não nos enganamos, já foi Alemão e com uma folga na direcção que não inspira confiança mas que acabará, com alguma fé à mistura, por chegar ao nosso destino.
fig.1 e 2
Guardados à esquerda e a direita pelos montes Balkans e Rhodope, respectivamente, lá acabamos por avistar a pitoresca cidade de Burgas, que até meados do sec. XIX esteve sobre ataque de bandidos Kurdzbali, e finalmente o tão desejado Mar Negro para um festival de música a decorrer na praia e nos jardins públicos. Do festival nada temos a dizer visto que foi igual a qualquer outro, sem nomes sonantes, mas com bom ambiente.
fig.3 e 3 a
Vamos falar antes do agradável passeio pelos ditos jardins e alguns mergulhos no mar que já agora se chama negro devido à cor da areia de origem vulcânica. Com respeito aos jardins tomem atenção. Vladimir Ílitch Uliánov (em russo Влади́мир Ильи́ч Улья́нов) aguarda-vos em quase todas as esquinas. Efectivamente não o vimos, quase de certeza, devido ao complicado decifrar de tão notável nome e às parecenças de todos os intervenientes em bronze que populam entre as árvores.
Pedimos desculpa por não termos imagem (o raio da bateria da máquina finou-se) de uma estátua, também ela em bronze, de um pequeno Adónis relembrando o esforço popular de toda uma juventude preparada para um futuro glorioso que, como toda a gente sabe, foi engolido pela imparável máquina do capitalismo. A pobre criança foi atacada por vandalos munidos de um esmeril (máquina para cortar ferro) e zucas, lá se foi o braço direito. Aquele que à grande maioria da humanidade serve para laborar um futuro mais promissor. Disto não temos a certeza mas acreditamos que nessa mão estaria um martelo ou uma foice. Lagrimas de sangue e um esgar labial pintados à mão com a famosa tinta de cor vermelha. Curiosamente não lhe cortaram a piiiiiiiiiii. :)
Com respeito à praia, e visto que nós estamos habituados a mares estranhos, não notámos nada de novo. Água morna igual a um Mediterrâneo ao alcance de qualquer modesta bolsa com bilhete promocional de uma companhia de aviação que, tal como autocarro de à bocado, esperemos que nos leve a bom porto. O caso curioso, e dai o título, é que o pobre do banheiro deve ter recebido ordens especiais de uma instância superior, devido ao festival seria a nossa melhor aposta, e sempre que alguém, tal como nós, punha os pés na agua acima dos artelhos o homem largava a apitar. A bandeira estava vermelha, coisa que poria qualquer costa capariquense a rir (para já não falar de um mequiniano), mas visto que a cor pelos vistos ainda está na moda ela lá se ergueu. Era ver o vulgar banhista a tentar molhar o corpo nuns miseros três dedos de água bastante salgada.
Tivemos que aguardar pelo fim do horário laboral do dito para fazer honras ao mar tão desejado e molhar finalmente, de cabeça, numa série de carreirinhas que ficaram gravadas na memória deste vosso humilde narrador. Não é bem assim, dava para dar um mergulho quando o artista ia incomodar o outro lado da praia. Valeu a viagem. Apareçam.
Ps: Um pequeno pormenor de arquitectura. Viva os Taveiras.
Um grande beijo para a menina Emilia, onde quer que esteja, e também para o nosso saudoso Portugal de Alexandre "O Curto" só para não confundir com "O Grande" que também por aqui já passou.

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

MÊS DE CUBA - Galeria Santa Clara - HOJE - 6.ª f - 22H

O MÊS DE CUBA, na Galeria Santa Clara, começa no dia 4 de Setembro, 6.ª feira, às 22H com bebidas, "mariquitas", "tostones", música e dança.
O Javier Vasallo vem encorajar-nos a dançar :)

Galeria Santa Clara

Rua António Augusto Gonçalves, 67
3040-241 Santa Clara

Coimbra, Portugal

Tel.+351 239 441 657


quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

CEP-RUA/Psicologia/UFRGS- Psychologists and at-risk populations

Este é o povo que faz o CEP-RUA ser um sucesso!

CEP-RUA members!

Informação geral

The center unites psychologists, undergraduate and graduate students and other professionals invested in research and intervention regarding at risk populations, with a focus on promotion of health, rights, resilience, social policies, and ecological support networks. The mission is to conduct teaching, research, and outreach to improve the situation of at-risk populations. Thus, dissemination and advocacy is a core outcome of all research activities. An up-to-date information center and webpage is available to the community, providing references and resources on scientific findings, news, and social policy. Training and support to interventions, projects, and services are offered. This experience of working with at risk populations issues, with and through University programs, implemented actions on a culture of respect and knowledge in everyday classrooms and in the curricula. The Center, as reference, is approached by families, community leaders, police, advocates, teachers, institutional staff, and members of civil society, government, other universities and international organizations. Even though much advancement have been conquered in relation to protection and guarantee of such rights, Brazilian Universities programs are far beyond from the ideal determined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CDC) and by Brazilian Statute, in educating the students and future professionals.


Ramiro Barcelos, 2600/104
Porto Alegre, Brazil

XXXIII Congreso Interamericano de Psicología

XXXIII Congreso Interamericano de Psicología

Por la salud de los pueblos: Una Psicología comprometida con la transformación social
domingo, 26 de Junho de 2011 às 8:30
Quinta-feira, 30 de Junho de 2011 às 18:30
Centro Plaza Mayor de Medellín
Calle 41, Nº 55-80
Medellín, Colombia


- Abordaje individual de los fenómenos de salud mental (década de los setenta)
- Cambios socio/económicos y políticos.
- Cambios en perfiles de morbimortalidad
- Visión individualista: pobre impacto en el mejor estar de las personas y pueblos.
- Concepción del hombre de manera integral, (histórico, social, ambiental, orgánico etc)
- Inclusión del contexto vital y de las personas objeto de atención como actores primordiales.
- El ser humano es co/constructor de su realidad.
- Psicología: nuevas formas de conceptualización e intervención de los fenómenos objeto.
- Nuevas alternativas en la formación de psicólogos