Mais uma publicação com elementos da equipa:
Adaptation and Validation for Children and Adolescents of the Social Support Satisfaction Scale no The Spanish Journal of Psychology.
Tania Gaspar; José Luís Pais Ribeiro; Margarida Gaspar de Matos; Isabel Leal; Aristides Ferreira
The main objective of this study was to adapt and validate the Social Support Satisfaction Scale (SSSS) for children and adolescents (Ribeiro, 1999). A representative sample of 3195 children and adolescents was obtained from 5th and 7th graders, throughout all five Portuguese regions. The results showed a good internal consistency, Social Support Satisfaction (SSS) Factor α= 0,84; Necessity for Activities connected to Social Support (NASS) Factor (α= 0,69). By using ANOVA analysis techniques, gender, age and socio-economic status SES), such as differences concerning the SSSS, were identified.
A structural equation model was used to examine confirmatory factorial analysis and an adjusted model was found by taking off item 5.
The discriminating validity as well as the concurrent validity of the items was inspected with measures related to social support, such as, optimism, self-worth and perceptions of health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
With this analysis, we verified that feminine gender and younger participants (<12>
This analysis sustains values that reinforce the validity of the scale in assessing perceptions of social support within a health context.
In conclusion, this scale provides an assessment instrument, increases knowledge related with social support satisfaction and subjective well being, and helps identify risk populations.
Key Words: assessment; social support; children; adolescents; subjective well-being
Parabéns Tania e co-autores!
Mais boas notícias:
À Marina Carvalho foi concedida uma bolsa Pos-doc da FCT, a aumentar o numero de (excelentes) colaboradores da Equipa Aventura Social, na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana e no Centro da Malária e Doenças Tropicais.
O seu projecto Pos-doc inclui o trabalho em profundidade, com utilização de modelos estruturais, dos dados do HBSC nas questões da violência entre-pares.
Colaborará ainda no apoio aos restantes 7 bolseiros de doutoramento da FCT na equipa e os 5 estudantes de doutoramento sem bolsa e na linha de investigação sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva e educação sexual.
Parabéns Marina!
quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008
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1 comentário:
Bom dia. Parabéns em primeiro lugar.
É possível ter acesso a esta publicação? Ou à escala?
Estou a fazer Mestrado e era muito importante para mim ter acesso a uma escala que avaliação a percepção do suporte social em crianças.
Muito obrigada
Melanie Dinis
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